Swiss National Bank
Official Site:
Base Currency: CHF

The Swiss National Bank conducts the country’s monetary policy as an independent central bank. It is obliged by the Constitution and by statute to act in accordance with the interests of the country as a whole. Its primary goal is to ensure price stability, while taking due account of economic developments. In so doing, it creates an appropriate environment for economic growth.
Last Updated: 26 Jul 2024, 10:55 AM GMT

Swiss National Bank Exchange Rates

Currency Name Code 1 CHF in CHF Converter Chart
Swiss Franc CHF 1.000000 1.000000 CHF/CHF Chart for CHF per CHF
Euro EUR 1.043079 0.958700 CHF/EUR Chart for EUR per CHF
U.K. Pound Sterling GBP 0.879740 1.136700 CHF/GBP Chart for GBP per CHF
Japanese Yen JPY 174.641984 0.005726 CHF/JPY Chart for JPY per CHF
U.S. Dollar USD 1.131990 0.883400 CHF/USD Chart for USD per CHF
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